sorry for the lack of posts...since the prop 8 debate, i've been in a bit of limbo about what direction to take the blog. i started blogging about the planning of my own wedding and the excitement just built as we won the right to get legally married. then after our wedding, the election and the subsequent loss of rights became a focus.
then, the rallies, the community and the activism dominated the blog. now, i'm not sure which way to go and feeling a little lost. it's hard to post about weddings when the future of weddings is in question...i have to admit, it's tough blogging about weddings when i know most of my friends can't get married. again, it must be said, i started this blog BEFORE we even had the right, but somehow it seemed so much more exciting then, i knew we didn't have the right to get married, but f*ck it, let's do this anyway...that was my attitude. but i feel like it's a bit of innocence lost now. i feel like i was on an emotional roller coaster: we got the right and the excitement that came with it, then the strong feelings that came with losing that right and then my realization that there are so many people out in the world donating money and working hard to take my rights away...it all just gives me a bad taste in my mouth.
i didn't want this to be a political blog and i wanted it to be fun and inspirational, but my bubble has burst...
so, sorry for the lack of posts. i don't feel much inspiration right now. i'm really just trying to figure out what direction to go in.