i know i haven't blogged in a long while...i've been working in production, which is a lot of hours and haven't had a chance to sit down. i'm still working, but i've been missing the blogs!
so...we also have some news...we're pregnant! i'm currently 18 weeks along, so officially out of the first trimester. the baby is due in september on my birthday! we don't know sex yet, we've had one ultrasound and we're due for another in two weeks.
patty's brother is the donor, so the baby will be as genetically close to me & patty as possible. my bible was the
taking charge of your fertility book...i also went to acupuncture for about nine months before we started trying. i swear that helped, as it totally regulated my crazy irregular cycle, and we got pregnant on our second try! the other book we consulted a lot was
the essential guide to lesbian conception, pregnancy and birth. we also have friends who pioneered the "brother of partner as donor" route...so that was incredibly helpful.
please feel free to ask me the nitty gritty questions about the process, i'm happy to answer, especially if you are considering trying this route...it was actually pretty basic: a jar, a syringe {without the needle}, and lots of pineapple eating were involved...
i'll give you another update after the ultrasound...