since beatrice was about 2 weeks old, i've been wearing has been one of the most amazing experiences of motherhood...i wear her when i do the laundry, shop, go for a walk, etc. it allows me to have freedom to get things done around the house while being close to her. everyday, i put beatrice in a sling and go for a walk. it's a win-win, i get exercise to work off the pregnancy weight and bea gets a nap. in fact, that's most often how beatrice naps, when she's in the carrier. here's a round-up of my baby-wearing gear:
{the moby}

my aunt gave me a moby wrap for a shower gift and i have to admit, i was a bit intimidated. it's basically a long piece of stretchy fabric. luckily, there are sling clinics at the pump station, which is a nearby baby store. once i went to a clinic to learn how to wrap it, i never looked was amazing! the first time i put bea in it, she fell right to sleep. for the moby and any of the wraps, if you don't have a store nearby to help you use it, there are lots of tutorials on you tube. so don't be intimidated! it's so worth it...
i would just wrap it on myself in the morning, then take bea in and out all day. that way, if we drove somewhere, i didn't have to lug the carseat around when we ran errands! brilliant!
{woven wrap from lovey duds on etsy}

{woven wrap from lil peeper keepers on etsy}
woven wraps are similar to the moby except they have no stretch. they are still essentially a long piece of fabric to wrap your baby on your body. when beatrice got to about 16 pounds, someone at a babywearing clinic recommended i try a woven wrap as there is a little more support for a heavier baby. i love the woven wraps, very simple to put on, but i can't just put in on and wear it all day, taking the baby in and out. i have to wrap beatrice into the wrap. so, i don't use these wraps as often. they are beautiful, so i've mainly used them for "special" occasions. i purchased the black one for the new york premiere of our movie and it was great! i got tons of compliments on it, and beatrice slept like a dream. unfortunately, i didn't get any photos of me wearing it! oh well, next time there's a fancy premiere...
they are still relatively simple to use and again, thank god for you tube tutorials...
{the ergo}
this is my everyday, go-to carrier now that beatrice is a little heavier. it's great because it's simple to put on and there are still lots of options. i primarily wear beatrice on the front or on the back with this carrier, although you can wear baby on your hip and other positions. i love to put beatrice on my back to do things around the house. i can put her on my back and vacuum, do the laundry, clean out the kitchen cupboards {!}...anything, really, and beatrice will sleep soundly!
this carrier was great to travel with, as well. i could just pop it off and on and easily get her in and out when going through airport security, for example. i took it with me to austin when we went to sxsw. this is also the carrier that patty uses when she carries beatrice. super easy, but not the most fashionable...that's why i like to have a few different options.
if you are new to babywearing, definitely give it a go!