in celebration of the
freedom to marry week, i'm participating in the
other mother's blog
carnival. the first post is "something old."
i've shared my love for gertrude and alice
before, and i've even shared the
movie we made about this poem, however, i thought this was a perfect opportunity to post the text.
this is a love letter from gertrude stein to alice b. toklas on her birthday written in 1926:
To my baby on its birthday
My baby is a birdie sitting on a
bough, and the bough is hubby.
My baby is a forget me not, which makes
every bouquet lovely, and her
hubby is they bouquet for his lovey.
My baby is a treasure sitting on
its pleasure, and its pleasure is
its hubby
Blessed baby on its birthday.
My baby is so beautiful so tender
and so true so feeding full in
the most difficult days the
most lovely and cherished in all
its ways, oh blessed baby, I
just cry when I think how tenderly
you are me and I am thee,
oh baby sweet oh baby dear
oh baby tender oh baby
baby my baby my love my delight
baby my baby I hold you tight.
Baby on its birthday,
My baby on its birthday is tender
and sweet and true, my baby on its
birthday its hubby is all to you, he
loves you he adores you he is all yours
wifey mine, oh baby I do love you,
I love you all the time and so
much more and so loving, baby my
delight, I love you oh baby blessing
I love you with all my might,
on your birthday and always bless
you oh bless you my wifey.
gertrude and alice lived for decades as "hubby and wifey." it's nice to remember the ones who came before us. honor them. learn about them. and be grateful for what they have done to help us get where we are today. they all had different notions of relationships and marriage, but freedom to marry is freedom to love your partner as you choose.
have more to add to the list? post a comment.