ok, i need your advice. i know a wedding guest is *never* supposed to wear white to a wedding, but is champagne ok?? i bought this dress from armour sans anquish on etsy, and i *love* it, so i'm sure i can wear it another time, but is it ok to wear to a wedding? thoughts? i bought the cute headband from fascinating creations on etsy.
and how much do we love the upcycled fashions of armour sans anquish? if you don't know about them, they are awesome, they take existing clothing and upcycle them into fab new fashions. they have a blog, too.
{photo credit 1 & 2: armour sans anguish, photo 3: fascinating creations}
It's gorgeous! And not too white at all. Of course, I wouldn't be offended if someone showed up in champagne, but I know some people are a bit touchier. I guess it depends on your friend.
I agree w/Rachel. Wear it dude; it's pretty!
I love it! By the way, two people wore white to our wedding. One woman wore a white suit and another woman wore a white dress. I don't think anyone mistook them for the brides :)
love it, and not too white!
Its lovely and I think it would be fine to wear to a wedding. My mother is wearing a similar color dress to my wedding, and I think she'll look great in it. Also, I'd be thrilled if a guest wore a fun hair piece like that! We're getting married in a garden and I'm encouraging the gals to wear garden party hats if they're so inclined.
It's definitely not too white. I love it too!
It's fiiiiinnnnnneeeee.
thanks, ladies!! i knew i should ask you all!! i'll post photos from the wedding as soon as i get them {of course i've already asked them if i can post it!!}
@n: lol!!
@lisa: love garden hats! hooray!
I am chiming in a little late but I don't disagree with anyone. Wear it and love it!
wear it! it's lovely!
love it. love the headpiece. NOT TOO WHITE!
wear that sh*t :)
chiming in kind of late...but just wanted to put in my two words...
It's gorgeous!
We were at a wedding at the weekend where a guest was wearing a backless white see through lace mini dress. I was a little surprised but no one else seemed to mind!
it's a pretty perfect wedding dress. did you wear it? i love it.
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