Thursday, April 21, 2011

reading nook for beatrice

i just framed a print for bea's nursery & it's finally "done." i'm going to post pictures soon! but there is one little area i'm still working on: the reading nook {will i ever really be "done" with the nursery?!}...i know i have time, i'm certainly not one of those moms that is expecting beatrice to read as a baby, but i want reading and books to be important to her from a very early age....

so there's a little area in her room that's perfect for a reading nook...i wanted to get some artwork and comfy pillows and bean bags...what do you think?


Nina McDermott said...

Here are some books that I think seem perfect for Bea and her nook!


jess said...

Those prints are really cute. We have a lot of love for reading in my house and have some similar book-themed prints. My favorite is the Black Apple print with a Morrissey quote:

Mac said...

Nice prints, I do have list of books that you may also like for your child. Encourage children to explore and express their creativeness to help strengthen a child’s positive self-image.

Nursery Reading, MA